Saturday, January 16, 2010

No Control

Let me introduce you to Sock Monkey. He is going to be my mascot as I work the steps. Right now Sock Monkey is overwhelmed with his problems. That is how I am feeling too. No matter how hard I try, I can't stay away from that gosh-darned first bite. Right now I feel so angry and so frustrated but not to the point where I want to throw in the towel. I believe in Step 1 so thoroughly that I really don't need any proof. I want to do whatever is necessary to stop this behaviour that is driving me insane. Since yesterday I have been going over every possible reason that I am having this problem from thyroid issues, medication, a job I don't want anymore and on and on and on. All of these things might be factors but one thing is for certain. I can't withdraw from life to work on this problem. I have to continue to function and take care of my responsibilities through all this. So I enlisted the help of Sock Monkey. He can be my mini sponsor and encourage and inspire me throughout this path.

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